Easter Time
Published: 26/03/2024
PCN Prostate Cancer
As apart of the ongoing Hitchin & Whitwell PCN education events, you are invited to join us for our Prostate Cancer education webinar. Prostate cancer is a significant health concern for men, and we believe that knowledge is key to early detection and effective management. This event will offer valuable information about prostate health, risk factors, screening, treatment options, and support resources available to you.
Date: 4th April 2024
Time: 18:30 - 19:30
Location: Microsoft Teams
To ensure your participation, we kindly ask you to register for the event by following this link:
For any queries please email
Published: 21/03/2024
New Telephone System
New Telephone System
Bancroft Medical Centre has now secured the funding from NHS England. We have been in discussions with the recommended supplier from the ICB and have a go live date in the second week of March.
Firstly, we are hoping that the transfer from one phone system to the New Cloud based system will be seamless (famous last words). There will obviously be some bedding in time for all the team to get use to the new system, so we ask you to bear with us.
The new system has some new features that we don’t presently have access to
- managed queues with unlimited recorded information
- call back option to avoid queue waits
- options to self-serve for some common needs
- intelligent call routing: VIP prioritisation to access appropriate care
- automatic call distribution, skill based, priority and overflow routing
If there are any changes to the information above we will let you know.
Published: 07/02/2024
Helping patients use the right service during this week’s industrial action
2 January 2024
Local health services
If you need help from your GP or another member of the practice team over the festive period, we are open every weekday from 8am until 6.30pm, except for bank holidays when we are closed. Please contact us if you have a health condition that needs checking or an illness that won't go away.
Junior doctors will be on strike from 7am on Wednesday 3 January to 7am on Tuesday 9 January. This means that all NHS services, particularly hospitals, will be under severe strain. But please don’t put off seeking medical help if you need it. Here is a reminder of what local services are available:
- The NHS website – has lots of advice to help you to look after yourself when you have minor symptoms. There is also information about what is a serious medical emergency.
- If your child is feeling unwell, the Healthier Together website has advice about some common symptoms, how to look after your child at home and when to get further help.
- Drop in to a pharmacy for health advice or information about your medicines. A pharmacist can help you to deal with a cough, cold and lots of other winter illnesses.
- If you need help urgently, use NHS 111 online ( or call 111. Your symptoms will be assessed, and you will be given advice or an appointment to see a doctor or nurse if this is needed. NHS 111 can also send an ambulance and can book an appointment for you in some services like urgent treatment centres. Using 111 online means you won’t have to wait on the phone.
- If you are in a mental health crisis, call NHS 111 and get straight through to mental health help by selecting option 2.
- You should call 999 in a life-threatening emergency. Life-threatening emergencies are different for adults and children.
- Do not visit anyone in a hospital or care home if you have recently had diarrhoea or vomiting. Stomach bugs are easily spread, make already ill people very seriously unwell, and can lead to whole hospital wards being closed. Please wait 48 hours after your last bout of sickness or diarrhoea before visiting anyone who is vulnerable.
More information on these services and self-help advice can be found at:
Published: 03/01/2024
Opportunity to get involved in developing the Hertfordshire and West Essex (HWE) Integrated Care Board Urinary Tract Infection and Catheter Care service.
In May 2023 the Infection Prevention and Control team in ICB launched a urinary tract infection (UTI) and Catheter Care Workstream across Herts and West Essex. As a result the following priorities were identified:
- Communication
- Baseline data
- UTI Prevention
- Training
- Management of urinary catheters
- UTI diagnosis/treatment
The group are currently developing a task and finish group for priority three and would really value hearing the patient and carer voice in the project.
If you have experience of UTI or catheter care, an interest in this area or would just like more information then we would like to hear from you. There is an opportunity to get involved in the task and finish group which will start in February or to share your views in other ways.
Please contact to express an interest.
Workshop reminder
We have organised a workshop with the Patients Association to provide an update on their work developing GP Practice Patient Groups in Herts and West Essex and to talk through next steps.
Monday 4 December
11am – midday
Zoom link: Click here to join the meeting
Learn more about Hospital at Home in east and north Hertfordshire
You can learn all about Hospital at Home and the progress made in remote monitoring services for patients at a free Healthwatch Hertfordshire webinar on 12 December.
Hospital at Home is about how patients can be discharged from hospital earlier to recover at home, and how patients can be referred to Hospital at Home if their condition doesn't require specialist acute hospital treatment. Instead, they receive hospital-equivalent care and monitoring at home.
Dr Elizabeth Kendrick, Herts Community NHS Trust’s Medical Director, will be joined by Dr Maha Balakrishnan, GP and Hospital at Home Clinical Lead, and questions can be sent to them in advance to Healthwatch Hertfordshire non-exec member Alan Bellinger at . Alan is also a member of the ICB’s Patient Engagement Forum and other groups.
For more details about the event, between 11.30am-12.30pm on Microsoft Teams, visit:
Published: 28/11/2023
Hertfordshire County Council
Focus Group
NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board are working with the Health Services Safety Investigations Body (HSSIB) to arrange three face to face focus groups across Herts and West Essex where experiences will help to inform investigations into a theme around NHS workforce. In particular HSSIB are interested to hear your experiences of:
- Accessing GP appointments
- Being cared for by other people other than a GP or practice nurse
- How you feel your healthcare needs to be prioritised. Do you think you get the right care from the right person at the right time
- Care delivered by temporary staff, such as agency nurses or locum doctors
Focus Group details:
Date/time |
Time |
location |
Wednesday 29 November |
2 – 4pm |
Blue Room, Latton Bush Centre, Southern Way, Harlow, CM18 7BL |
Thursday 30 November |
10am -midday |
Room 2, Focolare Centre, 69 Parkway, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire AL8 6JG
Thursday 30 November |
3 – 5pm |
Auditorium, South Hill Centre, Cemetery Hill |
If you would like to attend (places will be limited and you only need to attend one group) please contact: Dr Nick Woodier BMBS MSc C.Erg.HF, Senior Safety Investigator
Participants can be reimbursed for travel and parking costs. More details will be shared with confirmation of a place and information on HSSIB and the investigation are attached. Published: 15/10/2023 |
Every September, blood pressure checks are taken by thousands to prevent heart attacks and strokes
Know Your Numbers! Week reaches those who have high blood pressure and don’t know it, so they can get the treatment and support they need to bring it under control.
Previously, hundreds of organisations took part, setting up Pressure Stations in public places across the UK. From hospitals and health centres to offices, car parks and supermarkets. Even the Royal Albert Hall. Today, the Know Your Numbers! Week focus is on home blood pressure monitoring, as it's the easiest way to find out your blood pressure numbers.
Courtenay House has a BP machine in the waiting room that you can use, no appointment necessary. Walk in use the BP machine and hand your readings to the reception team they will add this information to your medical records.
Published: 12/09/2023
Patients Participation Group (PPG) Meetings
Your GP surgeries in Hitchin & Whitwell Primary Care Network have organised two face-to-face PPG (Patients Participation Group) meetings on Thursday 15th June at Hitchin Town Hall in the Lucas Room. We will have two events – one from 1-2pm and repeated from 6.30-7.30pm. You only need to come to one of them!
Clinical Director Dr Tara Belcher will give a brief update on the PCN and then the floor will be open for discussions. Refreshments will be available.
There are 60 spaces at each event, but you must book in advance and tickets are first come, first served. In the event of unexpected demand, we will try to schedule another event.
Free tickets are available online at Eventbrite:
Thu, 15 Jun 2023 13:00 - 14:00 Event
Thu, 15 Jun 2023 18:30 - 19:30 Event
We have reserved some spaces for patients who don’t have on-line access – just ask your surgery to pass your details to the PCN!
Published: 08/05/2023
EASTER Opening Hours
THURSDAY - 06th April 2023 - OPEN
TUESDAY - 11th APRIL 2022 - OPEN
Published: 29/03/2023
Junior Doctors Strike
Like many practices, our surgery employs qualified junior doctors as part of their training and development. During this week’s industrial action, we might therefore be short-staffed at times. As a result, you might have to wait a little longer to see a doctor. We have other qualified staff who might be able to help you without having to see a doctor, such as the practice nurse or physiotherapist. Our reception team will help you get the right appointment.
If you have an appointment, please attend unless explicitly told not to.
For urgent matters, you can use or call 111. If it is life or limb-threatening, call 999. Local community pharmacies can help with minor health issues or concerns.
Published: 14/03/2023
Patient Participation Group (PPG) meeting
The next Patient Participation Group (PPG) meeting will be held virtually on Monday 20th March at 1:00 p.m. via Microsoft Teams.
The Meeting details to join are as following:
Join on your computer, mobile app, or room device by Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 386 123 993 387
Passcode: HkYFNt
We are alternating between face to face and virtual meetings in order to give as many people as possible the opportunity to attend. During this meeting, we will provide an update from the surgery and cover any upcoming changes. Additionally, we will focus on generating ideas to increase our membership.
We welcome those who have never attended before, so please join us, even if it’s just to find out more about the group. The presentation from our last meeting is available on our website
If you are unable to attend the meeting but are interested in joining in the future, please complete this short form:
Published: 13/03/2023
New Website
Thank you for visiting our website. We are constantly working to improve our website to ensure that you have the best experience possible. If you notice any wrong information or any other issues, please do not hesitate to let us know so that we can address the issue as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Published: 01/03/2023